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       budegas brand       



Ms. Angie Proano

Ms. Isabel Chapa

Hablamos Español

Angie Proano

               How yous doing? I’m Angie co-owner of this awesome CBD brand, Budegas! I am currently living in Houston, Texas (5yrs) but originally a New Yorker (Queens, Brooklyn)! I graduated from Baruch College with a major in business & journalism and a minor in graphic design. My career background has been in marketing, administration and sales. Currently, my full time job is being an entrepreneur, finance educator and a Life and Health Independent insurance agent.


               I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression at 14 years old and with gastritis (IBS) at 28 years old. It was because of the use of over the counter pills and prescribed drugs that my stomach lining is ruined. Being, that I can’t consume “pills” as big pharma is to blame for my condition which includes symptoms like constant stomach pains and loss of appetite; I started doing more research on how CBD and cannabis can help with my pain management and conditions including anxiety. The cannabis helps me eat throughout the day and the CBD(tinctures & flower) helps with my anxiety, stress as well as my sleeping. 

               With that said, it was very important for me when starting this brand that we provide the best CBD products that caters to people with conditions like mine as well as many others. It is my hope that current cannabis users include CBD products into their daily medication routines. What better than to be able to provide such users as well as new CBD wellness users to quality and effective products brought to you by the Budegas Brand!



               Hey ya’ll! As a proud latinx of the LGBTQ community, I am proud to introduce you to your new favorite CBD wellness brand. In my early 20’s I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression and later, PCOS(polycystic ovarian syndrome). I knew right away I would probably have to spend the rest of my life on some kind of prescription drug and I refuse to live my life that way.  After a lot of research I found out the many benefits of cannabis. I am living proof of the benefits of CBD. My favorite way of consumption is to smoke the hemp flower. Which is why it is very important for us to introduce a flower with a high percentage of CBD extraction. Budegas premium brands was thoughtfully created to help many people like me, like you, your parents or your best friend.

              Now, I can say I am in a much better place in life thanks to cannabis and CBD!


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